Sunday, 20 February 2011

Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Russians Part Two

...continuing the painting
....sidepacks painted sand and the metalwork of the weapons and the boots in black....
....Flesh in er...flesh! And helmets Vallejo Military Green.......
...the bases picked out in earth brown..... a something completely new to me. The figures were dipped in Vallejo's Sepia Dipping Wash. At £5 a pot it's a fraction of the Army Painter equivalent and extremely easy to use. Just dip the figure and tap on the edge to loose the surplus (don't drop it in like I did!)
Once dry, the figures were glued to the mdf bases with super glue.....
....and the bases textured with Vallejo's Grey Pumice. What another completely amazing modelling product from this manufacturer......
...when the pumice was completely dry, it was painted earth brown....
.....once dry a dry brush of sand picks out the highlights of the pumice... protect my figures, I firstly coat them with GW's Purity Seal and then (when totally dry) follow this with Army Painters Matt Coat to give a flat finish....all that's left is to flock the bases and we're finished.

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