Saturday, 18 June 2011

Antenocitis Workshop 15mm D-Day Bunkers - Part Two

After spraying matt white primer the first base colours were Vallejo Light Grey on the concrete parts and Desert Yellow on the guns and ammunition locker doors. It was only when I came to paint the concrete roof that I realised this too was pre-drilled to allow camouflage loops to be added. Once again these were made from thin plastic rod (See left of picture). It was also at this point I realised that the gun mount cast into the open pit was in the wrong place. These pits were designed to have 360' traverse. With the gun fixed here its only got about 90' of traverse. It looks the part, but if AW ever re-tool they could do to put this right.
When dry, the grey painted bits were given a coat of Vallejo Black Wash and the guns were dipped in Vallejo Sepia Wash.
Again, once dry, the grey bits were drybrushed white to create the concrete finish. The Guns were drybrushed with a White/desert Yellow mix to highlight it.
The textured base was given a coat of "Anita's" Chocolate acrylic craft paint. The re-inforced steel hoops were painted red brown and when dry, given a wash of Vallejo Smoke Glaze to give a rusty appearance.
Once the base earth colour was dry this was given a coat of Vallejo Sepia wash.
The last painting step, drybrushing with Sand the earth base colour. The models were now left overnight to thoroughly dry, and then given two coats of spray varnish.
Finishing touches - PVA glue and Jarvis flock. My Stan Hollis figure is shown "Storming" the bunkers for scale.
Vk600e Open Pit with 50mm Gun
Enfilade Vk600sk Bunker. Note the rust runs on the concrete from flesh wash. Roof held on with double sided sticky tape until I source suitable artillery crew figures.
Juno Beach D-Day + One
The same view in march 2011 from the Vk600sk Enfilade bunker at St. Aubin-sur-Mer
Vk600e Open Pit on Utah Beach in March 2011. Note central position of gun to allow 360" traverse.

  • Beautifully cast and well packed.
  • Very prompt Mail order service.
  • Only ones available in this scale!
  • Shame gun mount wasn't central.
  • The most widely photographed example of the enfilade bunker displays the attempt at camouflage in the cast concrete. This would have looked fantastic in model form (could be embossed into Green Stuff I guess).
Overall I'm really chuffed with these two models. My last two points are being really picky to be honest. Thoroughly recommended.

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