Thursday 5 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to any followers out there! Apologies for the lack of Blog action for the last few weeks, but a business trip to the States and then straight into the Xmas break has left me with little time to get on the Mac.
Soviet 85mm M.39 Anti-Tank Gun & Crew from Battlefront
I haven't been entirely quiet though. A very fruitful visit to Smoggycon has replenished the to-do box!
To start off I've been building up my 15mm Anti-Tank Gun stocks.
This was a nice little model complete with well sculpted crew figures - just right for some of those hit the dirt scenarios.
This 88mm Flak37 Anti-Tank gun is from an unknown manufacturer (bought at a bring and buy 10 years or more ago and forgotten about) but the crew is from Peter Pig's late war range.
The Pak 40 75mm guns below are Forged in Battle items bought at Smoggycon for £8 the pair - bargain!
Nice, crisply cast items with few parts to assemble. The crew look nice and paint up well, but it was a shame their personal belt kit was so random and the lack of anyone holding a shell or empty case.
All the same they are a welcome addition to the armoury.

Coming soon build reports on the Zvezda KV1 & BT5 tanks and the amazing new PSC Sdkfz251/D Halftracks............

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