Sunday, 19 May 2013

28mm Perry 8th Army

Well I know I haven't posted anything for quite a while, but I've been a bit busy with other things.....

The recent release of the Perry Twins 8th Army miniatures in 28mm really caught my imagination and got me going again.

The figures so reminded me of the Airfix 54mm polythene figures my late father painted and gloss varnished for me 40 or so years ago, that I couldn't resist them.

With 38 figures in the box ( enough for a 1-to1 rifle platoon) they are a bargain. With a game such as Bolt Action you've a ready made 500 pt army in a single box for just £18. Easy assembly -certainly compared to any Warlord offerings - they offer a great deal of variation from the parts supplied. I guess if you wanted they'd make good early war Brits with the battle dress trousers and rolled down sleeves formed from milliput or similar?

I painted up a solitary figure just to try out the colour scheme so once happy, I can get on with the rest.
(All Vallejo acrylics)
Helmet - light tan
Uniform - Iraqi sand
Webbing- midstone
Socks - English uniform

Washed with vallejo sepia wash and dry brushed Buff.

Mounted on 25mm steel washers so I can keep them in a magnetised Really Useful box. Again a bargain from a local metal work suppliers £3.25 for 100.

Now to get on. With the others.....

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