Monday, 2 September 2013

DMH - Artizan Miniatures reinforcements arrive?

I bought these figures from an Ebay shop a couple of weeks ago. The casting quality was very good as was the design and sculpting.
This group were titled "the Posse" - I just love the long coats and rather Hillbilly look of two of the figures. Easy to clean up and a pleasure to paint, they are a good match with the DMH figures from Great Escape Games.
This group were simply irresistible to a fan of the Good the Bad and the Ugly! Lovely miniature character studies of the three main characters. Even gave me an excuse to watch it again for painting references!
I was tempted into another 4Ground building whilst at Firestorm Games Cardiff. Again a pleasure to assemble. All the initial range of buildings are the same footprint even the two story ones. I guess if you were so inclined you could mix and match to create custom buildings! This one also included a base that raises the building slightly and a length of boardwalk. 

They come without signs but there are a selection of colour PDFs available to download free on the DMH website. Printed out as they come - don't increase or decrease size - they are perfect. I laminated it before I cut it out and sprayed it with matt varnish. This then allowed me to glue it in place with just a few blobs of multipurpose glue avoiding any wrinkling (like I'd get just sticking paper with PVA).

Very good, looking just the part......

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