Monday, 19 May 2014

Zvezda 1/100 BA10 Armoured Car

Finally got around to assembling a few Zvezda 1/100 kits I've had lying around for months.....
Starting with the diminutive BA10 Armoured Car.
All the parts are on one dark green sprue of Zvezda's newer hard plastic.
First assemble the two body sides to the rear floor with attached mudguards
Glue both sides and then add the spare wheels
Next add to the floor pan
Grooves behind the front wheel arches will hold the body sides at the correct angle
Next add the body roof in two parts. Assemble these together before trying to attach to the body assembly.
Once fitted add the turret and the (very!) fiddly headlights to the front arches.
The rear axles are probably best assembled off the car and then fitted wholesale. In the picture I'd forgotten to remove the piece of sprue bracing the two axles! Doh!
Just the front axle to go
The finished article. You can see how small it is by the battlefront minis alongside.
Painted up simply in Russian Green
And some old Dragon number decals just to break up the finish
A lovely little model. Quite complex to assemble (not unlike the Sdkfz222) but worth it in the end.


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