Sunday, 17 August 2014

HOTT Terrain Boards - part two

This morning with the paint dry it was time to get on and fine detail the roads and rivers.
Roads first - these were painted Dulux "Intense Truffle" and then when dry, a coat of Vallejo Sepia Wash was applied. Finally, when this was dry the whole area was dry brushed with sand coloured paint.

You'll notice that I've painted the edges of the board to make them look neater and to help everything blend in better. The colour is Dulux "Enchanted Eden".
The rivers were first painted Dulux Green. Then a roughly central stripe of Dulux "Lost Lake" blue was applied. When dry this was topped with a narrower still central stripe of Vallejo Royal Blue. Finally a liberal coat of GW Blue wash was painted on.

This was left to dry for an hour before three coats of spray gloss varnish went on to give it all a wet appearance (left to dry between coats).

Finally the river banks were tidied up with Dulux "Intense Truffle" and a coat of sepia wash.
I'd decided to use Woodland Scenics Realistic Grass matting (the vinyl backed stuff) to finish the turfed areas. I made paper templates of each section of grass to ensure I cut the matting accurately.
You can draw on the vinyl backing with a sharpie pen or similar.
This ensured each piece was a perfect fit. I glued it on with PVA. Not the recommended a Woodland Scenic glue as this was £8 a pop and I'd rather chance my £1 Hobbycraft PVA first. I accept that I may need to beef up the edges with contact adhesive or something similar, but I'm hoping to cross that bridge when I come to it.
To start with I've just done two of the four boards. I'll leave these overnight and see how well they've stuck. Hopefully if all is ok I will tidy up the edges that border the roads and river banks with some fine sand (suitably blended in) and some flock. Then they will be ready for use. 

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