Thursday, 7 August 2014

My New HOTT Armies - Barbarian and Ratmen

My birthday present from my daughter......Pendraken HOTT armies!
A great way to pick up a ready to use army for the HOTT system. The Pendraken 10mm Barbarian Army is only £6! Combined with some Minibits laser cut bases and there you are....
The other army was the equally good value 10mm Ratmen Army.
These armies are a great sideline away from the grind of painting a big project. Taking very little time to paint to a high standard.
I fancy getting an Arthurian Legend and Orc armies next. But first I'm going to have a go at building a dedicated play area from mdf. I bought a 1200x60mm sheet of 6mm mdf and the kind man at B&Q cut it into 8 @ 300mm squares free of charge! I'm going to fit the edges with rare earth magnets to hold the boards together and decorate them with terrain that enables them to be assembled a number of ways.
As for safe storage..... A really useful box is just perfect! I'll let you know how I get on.


  1. They are quite cool. Look forward to seeing the terrain boards.

  2. Nice looking armies, great job...and you're right, this box seems to be perfect!

  3. Cheers Guys. You'll see that I'm completely obsessed with collecting 10mm HOTT armies now!!
