Friday 10 October 2014

Zvezda 15mm KV2

When I saw on-line that Zvezda had added the awkward looking KV2 Heavy Tank to their Art of Tactic range I just had to have some.
The local model shop never had any when I visited so I forgot all about them until I was on holiday in June and spotted two in a little model shop in Bridlington, East Yorkshire. And they were mine!
Moulded in green plastic on two sprues, they included an instruction sheet.
I'm not sure if it's me, but Zvezda seem to be looking for the most complex solution when designing their latest models. The SDKFZ 222 and BA10 both use a similar approach to that taken with the KV's turret. 
Maybe it's because they're designed to be snap fit? Anyhow it's made up of 8 parts all hanging off the central skeleton which incorporates the main gun and rear mg. the parts need some careful cleaning up as all the points where the sprues connect are on the inner chamfered edges. Failure to clean them up well, will mean the edges won't sit together cleanly.
The finished article captures the over tall look of the original quite well.
The hull is simplicity itself. Four components identical to those in the KV1.
The finished model looks smashing and just needs a coat of paint to appear next to its cousins.

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