Sunday 3 May 2015

What's New

Well for a start I've recently changed jobs! This has left me travelling around 150 miles a day as we still have to sell our house to move nearer. Whilst this is a bit of a pain, the plus side is Colette says I can have a dedicated wargame room in our new house!! Can't wait.

I have been doing a few bits and bobs while we wait.
Namely painting up some 15mm ECW figures.
I've loved this period for ever but have still to find a set of rules I really like. I've got Pike and Shotte (by Warlord Games) which looks hopeful, and I've also been reading up on DBR.
These figures are all being based so as they coul be used for either set (infantry on 4x2cm and Cavalry on 4x3cm with Artillery on 4x4cm) they would also suit FoGR for that matter. With movement trays I could also use them for other sets too.
The figures are quite a mixture of manufacturers. I was given a tub of loose figures about 30 years ago, that when sorted out looked like there was at least one ECW army......but no musketeers.
I bought these (and four artillery pieces) from Peter Laing, who at that time lived just outside Hereford. Then I forgot all about them and they languished in the garden shed until I rediscovered them a month or two ago.

Now I've decided it's time they were finally painted and based and these are what I've finished so far. I estimate I'm about halfway through them with probably 15-20 cavalry bases and the same of infantry still to go. I think I'll still need some more musketeers and some standing dragons to complete things and I think I'll try some from Warrior Miniatures as they're only 21p a figure.

Watch this space.

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