Friday 14 August 2015

Attack! - Devizes

Went to this show on a lovely sunny day in early July.
Split between four different blocks of the same school. It had a mixture of demo games, traders and competitions on the go. There was a lovely Waterloo re fight demo which was nice to keep popping back to every so often.
Some very nice terrain for what I think was a pulp type game.
And some 28mm WW1 terrain with nicely painted figures.

Personally I thought the mix of traders was a bit weak. There was nothing really new on sales and many were trying to sell the same things (4Ground, Perry and a Warlord plastics etc)

The bring and buy was large and we'll run, but I think people's expectations of their 2nd hand stuff's value is too high. Very few bargains to be had. Not too bad a show, probably won't go again as it was a good 1:50hr from where we live.

The one thing I came away with was a box of old Prince August 25mm Napoleonic figures.
When I got home I gave them a go. Took all Saturday evening, this is very addictive. I I've started painting the samples I cast from each mould and I'm quite pleased. They're not too bad!

Could really do with some artillery crew figures and some more cavalry, then I could cast up some armies!!

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