Sunday 16 August 2015

PSC -The Great War - Kickstarter Metal 15mm General Figures

Finally finished the Kickstarter General Figures today. Pictures aren't the best (iPhone) but they should help as a painting guide with colours.

The source material I used was all from the Internet.
A variety of sources, all cut and pasted into PowerPoint and printed off.

Starting from top left, the British General in service dress.
Next the German Field Marshall.
The French General in Horizon Blue.
The U.S. General in his overcoat/raincoat.
The Russian General with red striped blue trousers.
Austrian General in a more blue uniform rather than field grey.
Italian Gereralisimo in field grey.
And last but no means least, the Turkish General with his grey furry fez!

So there you go. These were a nice distraction from the usual stuff. I guess as time goes on and the supplements for the game start to appear, there may be a role for these figures. But for now they're just nice to haves.

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