Monday 8 January 2018

Team Yankee New Plastic Soviets – Painted Part One

My plan was to complete painting of these figures whilst they were still attached to the sprue to see if this was a feasible alternative to my usual mounting on lolly sticks.

So first job was to spray white primer. This had to be done in two stages (one face at a time) using my usual Wilko Matt white primer.
Once dry the basic uniform colour was applied. The colour I chose for this was Vallejo 70.880 Khaki Grey.

When this was dry an all-  over coat of Army Painter Light Tone wash was applied and left to dry. Then when dry an all-over dry-brush of Khaki Grey + White.
The figures were now ready for the details to be picked out.
  • ·         Belts and weapon butt stocks – Leather Brown
  • ·         Gasmask satchels and webbing straps – German Camo Beige
  • ·         Buckles – Boltgun Metal
  • ·         Boots – Black
  • ·         Face & Hands – Flesh
  • ·         Helmet – Russian Green
  • ·         Facings – Red
  • ·         Weapon – Black Grey
  • ·         Magazine – Orange Brown

Finally the flesh areas received a Vallejo Flesh wash, the webbing a Light Tone wash and the weapon metal areas an black wash.
The bases were painted using cheap craft paint – “Coffee Bean” – which appears to perfectly match the plastic Battlefront base colour.
Now all that’s left is to tone the bases and add some flock etc.

Verdict: Nice figures to paint. Crisp detail that’s easy to pick out and benefits from washes and dry-brushing to enhance it’s appearance. It would be hard not to make a good job of these to be honest.

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