Thursday 1 February 2018

Team Yankee - 15mm T64 Part Two

I painted these tanks up quite simply by firstly given them a white primer coat and then applying a coat of Vallejo Russian Green with the airbrush. Incidentally the airbrush I’m using is a reasonably price PremiAir G35 with compressed air supplied by an electric compressor.
Next I sprayed a coat of Vallejo Sepia Wash to fill the shadows.
Then a dry brushing with a slightly lightened Vallejo Russian Green.
After painting in the details (Tracks, MG, Commander, unditching beam, Mantlet cover etc.) The recessed areas were given a Vallejo Black Pin Wash.
When dry an all-over very light dry-brush with Vallejo Iraqi Sand.
I added simple number decals from an old Dragon kit and sprayed the lower sides with a dusting of Vallejo ModelAir Sand
Finally to protect all that hard work a spray coat of varnish.

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