Wednesday 29 August 2018

I'm Still Here!

I have just changed jobs which now means I am travelling a good deal more than before, so I need to get into a new routine to ensure I keep the blog updated.

My recent activities have centred around painting up some 28mm German & Russian figures I acquired (Black Tree Designs primarily).
These are nice figures to paint , full of character and not too cartoonish.
I hope to use these for both Chain of Command & Bolt Action2.
I am using some crewed weapon bases from Rubicon. These are 60mm diameter and have a stippled finish  and a raised lip to help with terrain adherence and finish. I rather like them and at £1.50 for 5, they aren't going to break the bank.
My dear wife gave me Warlord Games' Blood Red Skies for my birthday, so I'm also busy painting up the 12 fighters that come with the introductory set. Sadly they do not come with decals, just stickers, which really aren't very good.

They now produce decals separately, but they are £3 per set. This adds to the overall cost quite a bit, so I'm going to try my had at painting RAF roundels and use some old Dragon decals for the Maltese Crosses.

Finally, as I'm now working largely in France, I found time to visit the Musee des Blindes in Saumur.

This has to be one of the best tank museums in the world and I will put a separate blog entry to cover this.
Suffice to say I really enjoyed myself!!

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