Monday 29 October 2018

Firestorm Games Bring & Buy

It was that time again...Firestorm Games Autumn Bring & Buy.
Run in their playing area, this is an excellent venue to pick up  a few bargains and perhaps dip your toes into a new project at a bargain price!
Most stallholders  (as they are most times) were selling off their surplus Sci-Fi and Fantasy stuff.
There were, however, a good few things to temp us dyed in the wool historical gamers.
I was very pleased with my stash.....

  • An old self published guide to the Franco-Prussian War (50p) - hoping once again this will encourage me to get on with those 10mm armies I've owned for over 25 years!
  • Osprey Union vs. Confederate Infantry book (£2)
  • Three WAB supplements (£2-3 each)
  • Open Combat hardback book (£5)
  • Chicago Way (£2) - shame I didn't realise it should have a deck of cards and a map with the book😕
  • Warlord Games 28mm ECW Dragoons (£15)
A good day out and an excellent opportunity to add to my ever growing "to do" shelf!

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