Monday 7 January 2019

Zvezda 1/350th Project 1125 Armoured Patrol Boat - Cruel Seas Russian Fleet?

I saw these little models in the Hereford Model Centre just before Christmas and bought two as I thought they'd be just about the correct size to fit into Cruel Seas (at allegedly 1/350th scale).

Designed to go with their Art of Tactic game, the models were simple clip together items coming on a single sprue of green polystyrene.

Having now built them I'm not convinced they're truly 1/350th as they seem smaller than I'd expect them to be. However, looking at on-line pictures of the real thing it wasn't that big.

The model includes a scenic (water) base to display the model on, and of course a flag and associated hole for the game requirements.

There are choices to be made...T35 or T34 armoured turret to fit and T35 MG turret or Katyusha rockets.

Altogether a simple, quite finely detailed little model when built.

There are a number of colour schemes to choose from when you search on-line and I opted for a simple base coat of grey with light green stripes for camouflage.

The bases were painted the same way I painted the U-Boat - base coat of a grey blue from Vallejo, followed by Army Painter blue wash. Finally several dry-brushes of white were added until the desired effect was achieved.

Not sure if they will ever see the light of day on a table, but nice enough models all the same. At only £2.99 each they won't break the bank. I'm unaware if Zvezda have any plans to produce similar scaled opposition, but will keep my eyes peeled.


  1. I’m forced to upset you - Zvezda has a very strange approach to creating game miniatures and hasn’t planned anything other than a boat and a train on a micro scale (at least in the catalog for 2019 there’s nothing like it). I know a man who made a maritime strategy for the type of "Art Of Tactics"

    1. Oh well I'll have to wait for someone else to produce opposition!

  2. Another interesting link to the 3D model of the boat on a scale of 1: 300

    1. Thanks for the Link, that's a very good looking model!
