Thursday 27 June 2019

Renedra - 28mm Outbuildings

On holiday a couple of weeks ago we happened upon Porthmadog Models. A traditional model shop with a friendly owner that was extremely well stocked with amongst other ranges, Amera Vacuum Formed terrain pieces.

Whilst looking around I spotted the new Renedra 28mm Outbuilding models, and at only £5 a piece decided to treat myself.

Moulded in the usual neutral grey polystyrene, the components come on two sprues and are made up of substantial, chunky parts.

They are packaged simply, in poly bags with a basic instruction sheet and a photo of the finished article.

I actually bought the stone and wood + wattle walled versions, which share the same thatched roof sprues.

To finish the models is simplicity itself. Firstly I gave them a sprayed base coat.

  • Grey for the stone
  • Dark Yellow for the thatch
  • Khaki for the wattle + wood
  • Black for the reverse (inside) faces
Then I assembled them using ordinary polystyrene cement and left them to dry overnight (being careful to ensure they were square!)

I decided to leave the roofs loose so troops could be placed inside, so assembled these the following day and left them to dry overnight whilst still on the walls to ensure they dried to the correct shape.

I then touched up the corners and other joins where I'd scraped off paint to ensure the glue adhered and (in the case of the stone hut) filled around some of the corner rocks to make the join look better.

Finishing the thatch involved a coat of Vallejo Sepia Wash followed by a dry-brush of Iraqi Sand.

The Wattle + Wood walls received the same finish.

The stone work was given a Vallejo Black Wash followed by a dry-brush of Light Sand followed by a very light dry-brush of White. 

The wooden door frame was picked out using the same finish as the wattle + wood hut above.

Once completely dry, a spray coat of Satin Varnish followed by Matt Varnish saw the two huts finished and ready for the table.

Good value, robust, easily assembled and finished, very flexible where wargaming periods are concerned, what's not to like?

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