Thursday, 17 June 2021

More Minifigs 12mm - Based for BKC II

 Languishing on the shelf of shame were my 12mm Soviet figures to finish off my Late War BKC II collection.

An unexpected surge in enthusiasm ;ast week got me moving on these and here they are now finished.

Mortar Teams

As before the figures have been based on 3D printed bases resembling those used by Battlefront for FoW.

Infantry Squads

Each has a recess for a 7mm D6 to use to indicate hits/lives/suppression points etc. for any of the main WW2 Rule sets.

Heavy MG Teams

Texturing is achieved using Vallejo White Pumice wich blends the figure bases into the base recess beautifully.

Command base with Gaz 6x6 Boxed Body command vehicle

The Minifigs figures are as good as ever and great value at less than £5 per bag of roughly 28 pieces.

HQ Base with GPA amphibious Jeep

I have here one bag of SMG armed infantry and one bag of support weapons - with a few extra figures added in from a set I bought years ago, just to make up the numbers.

FOO Base with transport

The Command and HQ bases were completed with the addition of 3D printed vehicles. One has a boxed body Gaz 6x6 truck and the other a lend-lease GPA Amphibious jeep. A spare GPA was added as a transport for the two figure FOO base.

I added self-adhesive 2mm flock tufts that I'd bought off eBay to finish off the bases after varnishing.

Lets hope that enthusiasm continues!