Wednesday, 10 August 2022

DAK Attack

 Having read through my DAK Attack ruleset, I'm quite taken with their simplicity and approach to solo gaming.

The basic game is based around a half patrol of LRDG vehicles carrying out a raid on an airfield or similar and afterwards surviving its journey back to friendly lines.

The initial raid has rules for all the activity you would need (laying charges, firefights, carrying out running repairs to vehicles and crew) and a simple card based AI to control the DAK forces ranged against you.

Once the raid is completed, the surving vehicles and their crews must make their way back home. This is controlled by the cards once again. Firstly you decide how many days this will take you to complete. Then deal yourself that many cards from the deck. Pick a card for the first day and follow the instructions....

This could be setting an ambush, or being ambushed, collecting water from an oasis, putting in a road watch operation etc. etc.

You just work your way through each day and when (if!) you get back you can total your victory points to see how successful you've been. 

The game is aimed at 20-28mm figures but I'm thinking I'd like to try it at 12mm (or my home grown 1/130th  scale). To this end I've tried printing off some of Marco Bergman's lovely little SAS Jeeps & Chevrolet 15cwt trucks. The pictures show my 1/100th and 1/130th versions and a battlefront example for comparison.

An example 1942 patrol comprised 2 x "Pilot" Jeeps armed with twin Vicker 'K' guns and 4 x Chevrolet 15cwt trucks - 1 x radio vehicle, 1 x Fitters vehicle, 1 x Medical vehicle and 1 x "Scorpion's tail" or Breda 20mm cannon armed vehicle.

The Bergman files are fantastic as they provide every possible example of Chevrolet truck  armament so you can depict 4 individual vehicles for your patrol similarly you can do the same with the jeeps. Searching Thingiverse also throws up 1/100th scale seated crew figures you can use to populate the patrol.

All I'll need to get are some Pendraken DAK figures and I'll be away! 

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