Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Normandy Tour 2024 - Day Five

Day Five: A super busy day today. We followed Operations Totalise and Tractable in their entirety. That is the closing of the Falaise Pocket and ultimate defeat of the German armies in Normandy. Amongst the things we saw today were…. The spot where Michael Wittman was killed, the area where Worthington Force were lost and made their last stand. We drove through Argentan where Patton’s 3rd. army paused, Moissy where the German army tried to cross the ford over the river Dives, St Lambert sur Dives where the Canadians held the Germans trying to escape. and Mont Ormel where the Poles held back forces trying to rescue those caught in the pocket. Finally, we saw where the armies all met in Chambois and where the German surrender was taken in Tournai. Then on our way home we saw the rather sorry Tiger I at Vimoutiers…..a full-on day!😃

Sherman tank track marks on a wall from the Battle for Le Mesnil Patry, 11 June 1944

49th Division Memorial

Noyer-Bocage - RAF Typhoon Pilot Memorial

Hill 112 Memorial to Operation EPSOM
Wittman's Tiger I was knocked out just to the right of the White building. His buried remains weren't found until 1983

Bretteville Canadian Cemetery near Cintheaux

Polish Cemetery at Urville

Polish Memorial

The Worthington Force Memorial

Falaise Cathedral

St. Lambert sur Dives 1944

St. Lambert sur Dives 2024 - where the Canadians held up the German withdrawal and helped close the Falaise Pocket. The war-time picture above show two Panthers abandoned in the ditch on the right

Memorial to the Canadians and their commander, Major David Currie VC

Moissy Ford 1944

The ford at Moissy today, where the German army had to pass to cross the river Dives. War-time pictures show the area strewn with destroyed vehicles and horses

M8 Armoured Car

76mm armed M4 Sherman

Polish Commander - Lieutenant General Stanisław Maczek

Mont Ormel Polish Memorial

Chambois - Memorial to US & Commonwealth Forces meeting and closing the Falaise Gap

French Priest who negotiated the German Surrender - Abbe Marcel L'Aunay

Memorial to German Surrender

Plaque in Farmyard marking where surrender took place

Tiger I at Vimoutiers

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