Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Normandy Tour 2024 - Day Three

 Day Three: today we planned to look into the US breakout from Normandy, Operation Cobra. The weather was mixed but as we were tootling around in the car quite a bit, we by and large stayed dry. On our travels we saw where Gen. Lesley McNair was blown up by his own bombers and where the most senior German General (Marcks) to be killed in Normandy, was buried. We saw a bombed bridge that was never rebuilt before we had an excellent 3 course lunch for just 13€! Moving on we visited a railway marshalling yard that was bombed more than 20 times before we saw the Patton memorial in Avranches. We then followed in the footsteps of Patton’s third army over the Pontaubault bridge to Mortain. Here we visited Hill 314 where 700 US troops were surrounded during Operation Luttich, the German counterattack. Finally on our way home we went to see where Cpl Sidney Bates won his VC and where he is buried, in Bayeaux.

Marigny German Cemetery

Highest ranked German to die in Normandy

Killed in an allied bombing raid

Follingny Railway station – bombed marshaling yard ruins

Bomb Shelter

Entrance to the bomb shelter

Avranches - Place Patton

Sherman in Creighton Abrams' colours

The man himself!

Nice example of a Cullin Hedge Cutter

Pontaubault Bridge

Hill 314 memorial

The view towards Avranches from Hill 314

Chapel at Hill 314

Scene of bitter fighting, the disused railway station at Abbaye Blanches

Then & Now!

Memorial to the Nor-Mons & Sidney Bates VC

Jack Banks 16 years old in Jerusalem Cemetery

Sidney Bates VC

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