Saturday, 15 October 2011

15mm Zvezda Panzer III - Part Two

To finish the models I painted them using my usual technique.
Airbrushed Dark Grey
  1. Vallejo white primer from a spray can
  2. Airbrushed Vallejo Panzer Grey
  3. Airbrushed Vallejo Sepia Wash
  4. Heavy dry-brush of Panzer Dark Grey + a little White
  5. Light dry-brush of Light Grey to pick out highlights
  6. The tracks were coated in Vallejo Flesh Wash followed by dry-brushed silver to simulate rusty tracks with worn contact areas
  7. Finally things like the tools, exhausts, lights etc were painted as appropriate.
Airbrushed Sepia Wash
 The models were then mounted on mdf bases from Warbases. These were coated with sand and PVA, painted Earth Brown and dry-brushed Sand. Then some spare decals from some old Dragon 1/144 kits were applied.
Finally, after a coat of GW Purity Seal followed by Army Painter Matt Spray, the bases have static grass applied with PVA - Job Done.
In Conclusion.
The Pro's
  • Lovely, crisply detailed little models
  • Quick & easy assembly (dependant on which sprue type you get!)
  • Value for money
  • Widespread availability
The Con's
  • The tracks can be a bit fiddly to clean up
  • The accuracy of the running gear may be questionable to "Rivet counters"
  • The softer plastic is a little more difficult to clean up than hard polystyrene
  • The turret assembly method would make adding a crew figure challenging
  • Shame there's no decals
OK so there's a few "Con's" listed this time....but do they really matter? Well for the market the model's are aimed at (i.e. Wargamers) they're perfectly acceptable. And for me, the most significant thing I realised the other day was that these models actually cost less that their 1/144 equivalents from Minifigs!...What a Bargain! Now let's get on with the Sdkfz 251 Half-track........


  1. Hi Tim,

    the choice of Sepia doesn't sound that obvious. Painting german grey armor is in general followed by a blue "filter".

    However, I must say that the end result is very nice
