Sunday, 12 December 2021

Warlord Epic ACW - Part two

 Having weakened and bought the boxed starter set, I found that it comes with some mdf terrain pieces made for Warlord by Sarrissa Precision.

These comprised of a flat-packed large dutch style farm house and a selection of rail femces.

While looking on Firestorm's website, I'd noticed that Warlord also sell  additional packs of mdf ACW scenery (all Sarrissa sourced).   The set I spotted was simply called ACW Scenery Pack and was made up of 2 x mdf houses and 1 x dutch style barn - three buildings for £13.50 looked to be very good value for money, so I ordered a set.

When I came to assemble the models, they went together as a complete dream. I used PVA throughout and there was no trimming, sanding of fettling needed of any kind whatsoever.

I finished them by firstly spraying one coat of Halfords grey primer which covered extremely well. I'd left all the roofs off to ease painting as they could be attached at the end. 

Then the bulk of the paintwork was completed using the airbrush. Black for the recessed windows (the window & door frames lightly picked out with white using a fine brush), The wooden walls in a muddy brown and the stonework and roofing material a light grey.

The brown walls were sprayed with vallejo brown wash to pick out the shadows and the the roofs with Vallejo grey wash for the same reason. The brick chimney stacks were brush painted with a vallejo brick red.

After attaching the roofs, the bottoms of the walls recieved a light spray of sand to give the impression of dust and the edges of the roofs, walls etc. were all dry brushed white. They were completed in very little time using this method.

Then the penny dropped. These are all models from Sarrissa's 15mm Range with no adjustment for scale.

They are actually rather large when placed against Warlord's epic figures. Not a game changer, but worth being aware of. On the table these buildings will look fantastc, but they do have very large footprints!

The fences are really neat. They easily punched out of the laser cut mdf sheet and simply slot together to produce zig-zag fencing of whatever length you desire. |The laser cutting process leaves them various shades of brown, which means there's absolutely no need to paint them to finish them off. They're ready to go straight away!

Must get on with painting some figures now. I've finished one sprue for each faction so far, that's all. There are many more to go and this is before considering cavalry! ........

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