Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Strength & Honour - 2mm Ancients (1)

 Ok it’s been remiss of me that I haven’t blogged anything so far this year! In fact, whilst I’ve been extremely busy with work etc. I have kept my hand in with my paintbrush but failed to share it with you all.

In the background I’ve been ploughing on with my Epic Warlord ACW figures. Every sprue I paint I try out another time cutting idea to try and speed up, what is a mountainous task to complete.

I will put these together into another post at a later date.

Of course, as a confirmed wargames butterfly, I haven’t been able to resist temptation elsewhere.

In January’s sale at Firestorm Games, I bought myself a 12mm Belgian 1914 army from Great Escape Games. These are on the paint bench and will appear when completed.

The other thing that has piqued my interest is the pending launch of Strength and Honour from TFL.

I have a large collection of Irregular Miniatures 2mm figures I inherited from my dear late friend, Colin. I haven’t until now, found a project worthy of them, but this might finally be the one.

However, before I jump in too deep, I thought I’d like to see what units for the game would look like in the flesh.

I joined the Strength & Honour Facebook page which I found very informative ……. Bearing in mind most members haven’t seen the rules or even played a game as yet!! From this I gleaned that the base sizes for a 3” gridded table were 120x80mm for a Roman legion and 120x60mm for smaller auxiliary cohorts. 

There were some particulary good examples on Jim Jackaman’s blogsite that gave me the idea I might be able to create an example or two using the 3D printer.

Better still there are some very usable files for 2mm infantry and cavalry blocks available on Thingiverse from Braedzero.

This led me to create an entire Roman Legion base in 3D builder which printed out pretty well.

It took just shy of 5 hours to print, but I think it will paint up OK and I’ll let you see how that goes on the next post…..

1 comment:

  1. Give it a go..I've found it's a real breath of fresh air after painting figures.
