Sunday, 24 April 2022

Strength & Honour - 2mm Ancients (4)

 I decided to take a pause and take a look at the approach I originally planned.

I’ve a perfectly good Deep Cut Studio gaming mat that’s marked out in 100mm squares, so taking the point Mark Backhouse made about imagining each “big” square is actually 4 ”small” squares (in this case 50x50mm) I have decided to produce my armies on 80mm wide bases rather than the 120mm wide bases I’d originally planned.

First up is my "Barbarian" army - produced using the technique I described in my last post. The base camp was designed using 3D Builder.

Next up is my Roman Army.

What other set of rules could enable you to produce two complete armies for next to no outlay and only take a couple of evenings to paint?๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

My next mission is to produce some more terrain (I’ve designed some roads, rivers and a villa to go with what I’ve done so far).

I’m now excitedly watching the “how to” videos and awaiting the rule release at the end of the month๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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