Sunday, 24 April 2022

Strength & Honour -2mm Ancients (5)

 Fueled with excitement for the new S&H rules I got to work designing some terrain pieces to suit my 50x50mm square battlefield.

These are simple items built using a combination of standard shapes (Cones, cubes, pyramids etc.) and other designs to be found on Thingiverse (trees, bushes, rocks, hills etc.)

Having drawn them up and converted them to .stls I printed them out before adding sand with PVA glue to the open areas.

Once dry I spray primed them in matt white before painting them up with a mix of Citadel Contrast and Scale 75 Instant Paints.

Finally when dry they were sprayed with matt varnish to protect and seal them.

The designs can be found on Thingiverse at please feel free to give them a try😀